Hoarding Cleanup
What is Hoarding?
Hoarding is a mental disorder that is a common side effect of depression caused by a painful tragedy, loss, or pain. Hoarding affects around 5-7% of Americans and is often their best-kept secret.
Hoarding can be moderate to severe, affecting the functionality and safety of a home and the health of the people and animals living within. The build-up of clutter, waste, and even bodily fluids can lead to unsafe air quality and infestations of rodents and insects.
Hoarding is also extremely dangerous due to the number of contents within an affected home. This causes extreme fire danger, as well as severe stress on the structure itself. In several instances, Steri-Clean has found cracked or broken floor joists due to the load on the structure.
Even so, the idea of removing any items from their home is often deeply painful for the affected individual, making it extremely difficult for anyone to help a hoarder clean up their clutter.
Steri-Clean is a hoarding company that takes a personal approach when it comes to cleaning up clutter. We understand the psychology behind an individual’s hoarding mentality, and we always conduct our work with compassion, putting the people involved before the cleaning process. We offer help for hoarding for you or your loved one with the following services:
Clutter Removal
Search And Recovery Of Items: paperwork, collectibles, valuables, etc.
Packing And Storing
Deep Cleaning
Odor Removal
Distributing Donations

The Stages of Hoarding
Level 1: This is a simple level of clutter that most homes suffer from at some point. It doesn’t affect the functionality of a home.
Level 2: This is where all flat surfaces, such as counters, tables, dressers, etc, are covered with clutter, but the functionality of the home is only minimally affected.
Level 3: In this level of hoarding, the perimeters of the room are full of clutter that is creeping towards the center of the room. Closets and cupboards are filled. At this stage, the functionality of many places in the home is affected.
Level 4: Level 4 hoarding includes clutter in functional areas that hinders the ability to move through the home and may have blocked off some rooms. It’s not uncommon for rodents and insects to take up residence in the clutter, and many utilities may not be working, such as gas, electricity, plumbing, or various appliances. This level is moderate to severe, but if desperate, a hoarder can easily add more clutter.
Level 5: Level 5 hoarding means the house is completely full. Generally, many rooms are completely blocked off, and there may or may not be paths that grant access to other areas. It is difficult, and often impossible, to enter and exit the home. There are commonly a number of biohazards present as well, including human and animal waste, rodents, and pest infestations, as well as damage, cosmetic and internal, to the structure of the house.
You can count on the experts at Steri-Clean to help you through this process with care and compassion. We are here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Give us a call today, and let Steri-Clean be the first step in restoring your home and life.
For more info about hoarding please visit our Hoarders.com website here.