Posts Tagged ‘germs’
The Importance Of Indoor Air Quality Management
KNOW. MANAGE. DECIDE. Know what you breathe. You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Data driven decision making. Now more than ever before, people are becoming more educated and aware of just how important indoor air quality is, and Steri-Clean is proud to be able to offer IAQM (indoor air quality management) as part of…
Read MoreBacteria, Pathogens, Microorganisms, and Viruses… OH MY!
Just thinking about them and how truly dangerous they can be is enough to scare you to death (no pun intended). There is a lot to know and understand about each of them. How some are more dangerous than others. How some can not only make you very sick but could even be deadly, if…
Read MoreIs it important to clean a surface before disinfecting it?
The short answer is… YES! In fact, you can’t actually properly disinfect any surface, if you first don’t clean it. Why? The picture of this dirty rag is a perfect example of why we clean BEFORE we apply disinfectant. That black grime is a biofilm layer, also called “SOIL LOAD”. Soil load blocks the disinfectant…
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